I often meditate from a wonderful book entitled “Divine Intimacy” by Father Gabriel of St. Mary Magdalen, O. C. D. and published by Ignatius Press. In fact “Divine Intimacy” is a set of four volumes with reflections on the readings of each Sunday as well as for the days of the week. Allow me to share from yesterday’s readings: The entrance hymn for Trinity Sunday urges us to pray: “Blessed be God the Father and his only-begotten Son and the Holy Spirit; for he has shown that he loves us.” This entrance hymn “leads us immediately to the consideration of the great mystery of the Blessed Trinity – stressing its essential aspect: love.”
“Love illuminates the mystery of the Trinity in which God is love, always in the act of begetting, of giving himself, of communicating himself. From all eternity the Father begets his Word – the Son – in whom he expresses his entire self, communicating his entire divinity; the Father and the Son each give each other and possess each other in an act of infinite love, in a perfect substantial communion that is the Holy Spirit. Yet God’s love does not remain circumscribed within the Trinity, but bursts forth onto creation. All that man is and has is a gift of the Holy Trinity, of the love of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, for “great is his love for us.” (p. 247-248 Volume III)
Here is a link to other refections that you can print out and read from time to time.
The deacon who gave the homily at Mass yesterday encouraged each one of us to take two minutes each day, alone in a quiet space, and slowly make the Sign of the Cross, telling God that we want to live our lives "in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." So be it? Amen!
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