Monday, January 6, 2014

Let us follow the Light

I realize I am a day late with reflections on the Epiphany – at least as it was celebrated by the Church’s Liturgy yesterday.  However, today is the traditional feast of the Epiphany, January 6.  I have and use a booklet written by Father Peter John Cameron, OP with reflections on the Eucharist.**  I was so struck by his reference in one of the reflections to the lamp (the light) in the sanctuary of our Churches. When it is lighted it shows us that Jesus is present there in the tabernacle.  So, we have our own Star of Bethlehem in our Catholic Churches!  Let us remember that the next time we genuflect there, knowing that the child of Bethlehem is before us! 

Here is a link to Pope Francis’ homily for the feast.  His thoughts are wonderful.

(**Jesus, Present Before Me: Meditations for Eucharistic Adoration published by Servant Books)


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