Years ago my father had a stroke – a bad one – and the
doctor put him on a salt-free diet. The
rest of us in the family got used to eating many things without salt. However, for me, there were some exceptions –
eggs! Spinach! I even like salt on cantaloupe! Salt gives food flavor.
Salt is healing. When
I was younger and had a sore throat Mom would have me gargle with warm salt
water. It worked! When I cry, my tears are salty! As you wipe them away taste them – they
really are!
So, how did I put this all together? For many people today – our family, our
friends - life is so challenging that it
is hard to taste the many gifts, the many blessings God has given to us. For many, life is bland! But,
as Jesus says, by our presence, by our love, by our faith in Him, we can bring
goodness to others. And by doing so, we
add flavor to our own lives.
Our presence, our prayers, our mercy and forgiveness, like
salt, can be healing for others too. And
by our tears we can share in the suffering of those we encounter in life. “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall
be comforted.”
At Mass Father suggested we look to the Corporal and
Spiritual Works of Mercy to know how to become “salt” for others. (See the Catechism of the Catholic Church,
article 2447) In his message for Lent, Pope Francis says “The Lord asks us to
be joyous heralds of (his) message of mercy and hope. It is thrilling to experience the joy of
spreading this good news,” he writes.
All this said, every time you pick up a salt shaker remember that you ARE the salt of the
earth, that you are called to be a herald of the Gospel. Pray
that others will be salt for you too!
1 comment:
Dearest Sister
I am going to read this to parents tonight.
In a simple yet eloquent way you captured the meaning of what it means to "be the light" of Christ to others. Thank you for sharing...
ps... I might start adding a little salt to my diet! :)
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