Thursday, February 20, 2014

Get ready to go!

It is not even Lent yet and I realize I keep mentioning it!  However, I don’t want us to miss out on all that the Lord wants to do for us during this wonderful season of grace.  I know it is a good thing to give up things but there is more – so much more.  Let’s begin the season with a good session – in Confession! 

Yesterday Pope Francis spoke about Confession at his weekly audience.  Here is a link to the  things he had to say.  His words are so simple, so clear, and he speaks to us as a father – in the name of our Heavenly Father!
Scott Hahn has written a wonderful book entitled The Healing Power of Confession.  His sharing is also on a CD.  It is one of my favorites.  In fact I got a copy of the CD for each member of  my immediate family for Christmas!  Here is a link to Lighthouse Media which carries the CD.  Lighthouse CD’s are very inexpensive.
I realize many of us are still snow or icebound but check your parish bulletin to find out the times for Confession in your parish.  First of all, however,  read what Pope Francis has to say.  Then I think you will be ready to go! 



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