If the devil can’t
make you bad he’ll make you busy.
Have you ever heard that phrase?
Perhaps it is not theologically sound but I think there is a grain of
truth in it. The evil one has a lot at
stake if he can tempt us to live our lives on the run. Being busy prevents us from growing in our
relationship with God!

If you
are not already making a “Morning Offering” here is one suggestion:
My God, I adore You, and I love You with all my
heart. I thank you for having created me, made me a Christian, and preserved me
this night. I offer You the actions of this day. Grant that all of them may be
in accordance with Your holy Will and for Your greater glory. Protect me from
sin and from all evil. Let Your grace be always with me and with all my dear
ones. Amen.
As I was putting this note together I
was reminded of a young mother who attends daily Mass. She is very reverent and recollected. However, when Mass is over she is out the door. She jumps into her car, turns on the engine,
flips open her cell phone and off she goes – into the day! I think she might have her priorities
straight – at least she has made a wonderful morning offering!
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