Tuesday, May 5, 2015

God's immeasurable gift

Peace be with you!  In today’s Gospel Jesus tells us that He has given us His peace. (John 14:27-31A)  We don’t live in a very peaceful time – there are so many pressures, so much noise!  But Jesus says that the peace He gives us is not the kind of peace that the world gives.  His peace is an interior peace that is with us even in the midst of turmoil.  “Do not let your hearts be troubled,” He says.

This is the month of May, the month when we traditionally honor our Blessed Mother.  She was a woman filled with the peace of the Lord.  Her Son was the source of her peace.  Her Son can be the source of our peace as well.  At Mass the priest prays that the peace of the Lord would be with us and as we turn to those around us we pray for the gift of peace for them as well.  Let us pray for a deepening of the gift and grace of peace for ourselves and for one another. 

“Dearest Blessed Mother, open my heart to receive the peace of the Lord.  Let it remain with me as I go through this day.  Ask Jesus to fill me with joy and enable me to be a bearer of peace to my family and to all those I meet today.”

 (Instead of saying “have a good day” to others why not try saying “Peace be with you”!)

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