Tuesday, September 15, 2015

A daily brief reflection

Our Lady of Sorrows - the Pieta
Living close to the city of New York we are often in touch with what is happening there in the Archdiocese.  The head of the Archdiocese, Cardinal Timothy Dolan is very well known, not only in New York but throughout our country as well.  The former president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Cardinal Dolan is very articulate and knowledgeable about many issues and most importantly, he is a holy man - a holy priest.  I recently discovered that the Cardinal has a daily two-minute reflection on the readings and feasts of the day.  His reflection today on the Memorial of Our Lady of Sorrows is very gripping. Cardinal Dolan has been using Pope Francis as an example to all of us as you will see in this daily reflection.  Here is the link:  http://cardinaldolan.org/index.php/sept-15th-feast-day-of-our-lady-of-sorrows/

I have bookmarked this site and when time permits, I check in to hear what Cardinal Dolan has for me to think about at the time.

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