Sunday, November 15, 2015

What is your destination?

Today is the last Sunday in Ordinary time; next Sunday the Church celebrates the solemn feast of Jesus Christ the King.  The following is the First Sunday of Advent.  Does it seem like time is going along too fast?  That’s what the Church wants us to think about today.  

The Mass readings urge us to be alert, to be prepared for the coming of the Lord. (Daniel 12:1-3, Mark 13:24-32)  Perhaps we don’t want to think about that too often.  But we must.  This morning I couldn’t help but think about the people in Paris who were killed in the terrorist attacks.  Were they prepared?  We never know when the Lord is going to take us. 

At Mass this morning Father said this is the time in the year when the Church calls us very strongly to think of our destiny.  From the time we were formed in the womb we were destined to live for all eternity with God.  Perhaps I have mentioned this before but philosopher Peter Kreeft says life on this earth is like staying in a motel on our way home to Heaven.  Our destiny is not a place but a Person!  Do we want to live forever with this Person – this Person who created us and who loves us more than we can imagine?  I know I do and I want to get ready.  As we approach the season of Advent, a time to prepare for the coming of the Lord, don’t put off thinking and praying about your destiny.  It is a time, not so much to focus on death but what comes after death. It is a time to ask the Lord to fill out hearts with all the graces we need to put our lives and relationships in order, to turn away from our sin, to be holy!   


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