"Today we celebrate the feast of who God is. Every Sunday is, in a very real sense, dedicated to God and therefore every Sunday really is Trinity Sunday. But since the 1300s, the Church has celebrated, on the Sunday immediately following Pentecost, a feast dedicated to the Holy Trinity, to help all of us focus more explicitly on who God is in his profound mysterious depths, and therefore who we're called to be made in His image and likeness...
"We know what we know about the Trinitarian God because Jesus came to reveal the Father and with the Father send the Holy Spirit. He talked about the Father and the Holy Spirit and sent his apostles out to baptize in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. If we want to get to the heart of the mystery of the Trinity, we can turn to the most theological of his apostles, who meditated very deeply on all Jesus had revealed, and, inspired by the Holy Spirit, said - simply and synthetically - "God is love" (1 John 4:16). This statement strongly implies that the one God somehow had to be a Trinity of Persons. For God to be love, he could not have been solitary, because no one can love in a vacuum. In love, there is always one who loves, one who is loved, and the content of their love for each other. God the Father and God the Son, in all eternity, loved each other so much that their love generated ("spirated") a third person, the Holy Spirit. They exist in an eternal communion of persons in love, in which the three persons exist in mutual self-giving that not only makes them united but makes them truly one, three persons in one God...
"Because love is naturally expansive, their mutual self-giving was bound to overflow. Out of no necessity, our Triune God created the world - and created the human person - to share his love. We were made in God's image and likeness and hence are created in love and for love. We're created in the image of the divine giver. We're called to live in a communion of persons in love..."
(If you want to read the full homily click on http://www.catholicpreaching.com/index.php?content=homilies&homilies=20050522 Picture above is the Icon of the Trinity by Rublev.
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