Tuesday, November 4, 2008

We need God's Word

I realize it has been some days since I last posted something here. Time has a way of getting away! As I write this note it is election day here in the United States and my prayers are very much with the citizens of this country that, inspired by the Holy Spirit, they will choose the candidates who espouse the dignity and sanctity of human life.

On another note, some weeks ago I posted an item about praying with Sacred Scripture. I have been privileged to be able to give talks on this topic, specifically on the way of praying which is called by the Church, Lectio Divina - sacred reading.

On October 26 the Synod on the Word of God ended in Rome and many, many wonderful documents and comments have emerged from the Synod which hopefully will bring to the Church a renewed devotion and reverence for the Word of God.

I heartily recommend that you log on to http://www.zenit.org/ and click on the "Documents" section to read, at your leisure, the treasures that came forth from the synod. I draw your attention to the following link that had to do with Lectio Divina. http://www.zenit.org/article-23941?l=english.

Our Sisters meditate on the Scriptures every day and I encourage you to consider opening your heart to God's very word for your life. In his homily which opened the Synod Pope Benedict XVI said:

Only the Word of God can change the depth of the heart of man, and so it is important that with it both individual believers and the community enter into an ever-growing intimacy. . . We all sense how necessary it is to place the Word of God at the center of our life, to welcome Christ as our only Redeemer, as the Kingdom of God in person, to allow his light to enlighten every sphere of humanity: from the family to school, to culture, to work, to free time and to other sectors of society and of our life.

We need God's word - we need the Son of God who is the Word of God! I am very much aware of this truth today as we head for the voting polls. God bless you! May God bless our country.

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