Sunday, August 1, 2010

Summer shapshots

Something happens to our Sisters in the summer time! We "see" things in a new light! Sister Clare needs large glasses to keep things in perspective as she directs the summer camp at her parish, St. Cecilia's. Sister Ellen is our "golden girl" as she leads the music for the campers.

On another note, we just finished our annual community vacation together. The Sisters were of one mind that it was our best vacation so far. We had the opportunity to swim, fish, rest, play games, go off our diets! Seriously, we began each day with Mass and an hour of prayer which included chanting Morning Prayer from the Liturgy of the Hours and meditation on Sacred Scripture. After that we had work teams that weeded, power washed, weed whacked, and sewed for one hour. Lunch replenished our spent calories just in time for our afternoon recreation. It was great to be together for the week, to grow in sisterhood and in our relationship with the Lord. Tomorrow we return to our various apostolates to bring our refreshed minds, hearts and bodies to the mission of proclaiming Jesus to those we serve. God is good!

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