Friday, June 1, 2012

So what's in a name?!

I realize I haven’t been blogging lately.  It seems as if I haven’t had anything to say!  Can you believe it?! Sometimes in our lives that is the way it is – we find ourselves spiritually, emotionally or mentally “dry.  But today I have something very important to say – to share.  Recently while doing spiritual reading I was reminded anew of something called the “Jesus Prayer.”  I am sure you know all about it.  It is simply speaking, invoking, praying the name of “Jesus.”  It is a powerful prayer – a prayer for busy days – for any day - for every day. 

I did a search on the Internet for “The Jesus Prayer” and I came across an article by one of my favorite persons – Dr. Peter Kreeft.  It is so wonderful that I have been reading it over and over again and it has changed my prayer.  Here is a link to the article; it is 9 pages long but it is well worth printing.
Dr. Kreeft begins: “I am now going to tell you about the shortest, simplest and most powerful prayer in the world.  It is called the ‘Jesus Prayer’ and it consists simply in uttering the single word ‘Jesus’ (or ‘Lord Jesus’ or ‘Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me a sinner’) in any situation, at any time and place, either aloud or silently.”
Quoting from the Catechism of the Catholic Church he writes: “The invocation of the holy name of Jesus is the simplest way of praying always… The prayer is possible at all times because it is not one occupation among others but the only occupation – that of loving God which animates and transfigures every action in Christ Jesus. (CCC 2668)
Some typical Kreeft thoughts: “We do not always get specific answers when we invoke his name, but we always get the Answerer.  When we do remember and call him, and he comes and acts, he does all the work for free!  Our part is only to call; the Great Physician makes house calls and charges nothing.  And yet we continually fail to call him..."
As you read this, call him.  As you go about your day say his name!  How easy is that?  I love it when someone says my name.  He loves it too when we say his name!  God bless you.

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