Thursday, November 29, 2012

A Post-It suggestion

We are already well into the Church’s Year of Faith.  However, for busy people (and that includes all of us) it is easy to pass over this special time of grace until, before you know it, the Year will be come and gone!  I think the secret to remembering might be taking the year in small bites and using cues like posting a cheery note on the refrigerator that says something like “don’t forget to nourish your faith today!”

And the small bites?  The Bishops have encouraged us to study and pray with the Catechism of The Catholic Church.  It is a magnificent work and I personally encourage that if you do not have a copy you get one.  You can read it online, get it on Kindle, or purchase a paperback version for under $10.00.  I like the hard copy because you can underline passages important to you, make marginal notes etc. 
Take the Catechism in small segments: begin, for example, with paragraph #27.  Keep the book on your nightstand, on the coffee table, on the kitchen counter, in the car, in your briefcase, and set aside 15 minutes each day to slowly read it and pray with it.  Perhaps you can share about the passage with your spouse, children, friends at dinner, over coffee.  Ask the question:  "What is God saying to me through this passage?"  "What is my reaction?"  "How can I respond?" 
Our Sisters are studying The Catechism each week and asking the Holy Spirit to enlighten our minds and touch our hearts with new insights and a new understanding of all that God has done for us.  There are so many other ways to broaden our knowledge of our Catholic faith.     (More later).
(have a look at Catholic online for wonderful homilies)


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