Sunday, April 19, 2015

Light the lamp each day

In today’s Gospel we continue to read about the various Resurrection appearances of our Lord to His disciples.  He took time to help them understand how his life, death and Resurrection were the fulfillment of the Scriptures.  He said to them,These are my words that I spoke to you while I was still with you, that everything written about me in the law of Moses and in the prophets and psalms must be fulfilled.” Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures...  (Luke 24:35-48) 

The Lord wants to open our minds and hearts, as well, so that we too can understand the Scriptures.  But how can He do that unless we read and pray with the Scriptures?   I have mentioned in a number of previous posts that I practice Lectio Divina in my daily prayer.  (  Lectio Divina is prayerful meditation on a passage of Scripture and I can assure you that if we make our time available to the Lord and open our hearts to listen, He will speak to us through His Word.

 I wish I could tell you how many times during these past weeks that the Lord has spoken to my heart when I most needed to hear Him.  I circle or underline words or phrases that jump out at me from the page and I mull them over and over again, sometimes writing them on a 3 x 5 card so I can stick the card in my pocket or have it handy for a later time.  Scripture is alive because the Holy Spirit speaks to us through its pages!

Perhaps, in your busy schedule you would be able to keep a leaflet missal near your bed and at the beginning of each day, read just the Gospel or the Epistle.  Ask God to reveal Himself to you and speak the word that He wants you to have as you go into the day.  There are probably many other “words” competing for your attention but give the Lord a block of time to get in His word too!  Maybe later, in the car or on the train or at work that word will come back to you and refresh you. 

Here are links to some resources for your bedside or morning coffee reading:  (Getting a subscription is well worth it). or, or read on-line:

And if you have time, here is Father Barron’s reflection on today’s readings:

May His Word be a lamp unto our feet!  (Psalm 119:105)

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