Dawn at our motherhouse!
The Gospel from today’s liturgy is again taken from Matthew (13:54-58.) It’s the story of Jesus’ visit to his native Nazareth and his teaching in the synagogue there. His former neighbors are very cynical about this native son. “Where did this man get such wisdom and mighty deeds?” they ask one another. “Isn’t he Joseph and Mary’s son?” Matthew tells us that they took offense at him. However, Jesus understood. “A prophet is not without honor except in his native place and in his own house. And he did not work many mighty deeds because of their lack of faith.” Whoa! That (passage hit me right in the heart. Do I honor Jesus in my own heart, in my own home? I love him very much but…am I so busy that I take no notice of him as he goes about doing mighty deeds in my life? Or, does he fail to do mighty deeds in my life because of my lack of faith?
During our annual retreat Father Frank reminded us that our lives do not measure up to our dreams. We don’t shoot high enough when it comes to the Lord. “I have come that you might have life and have it to the full!” Jesus assures us. The writer for MAGNIFICAT magazine this morning commented that “when we measure Christ according to our own inadequate standards, we exterminate wonder.” When was the last time our hearts were filled with wonder as we contemplated the mighty deeds of the Lord? Sunday is the Lord’s Day, a wonderful opportunity to stop all the busy-ness of our lives and take time to wonder – at the glory of creation, at the miracle of life – mine and others, at the fact that I can love and be loved! We have been created by a loving, gentle, mighty God! May he be honored in our hearts and in our homes!
During our annual retreat Father Frank reminded us that our lives do not measure up to our dreams. We don’t shoot high enough when it comes to the Lord. “I have come that you might have life and have it to the full!” Jesus assures us. The writer for MAGNIFICAT magazine this morning commented that “when we measure Christ according to our own inadequate standards, we exterminate wonder.” When was the last time our hearts were filled with wonder as we contemplated the mighty deeds of the Lord? Sunday is the Lord’s Day, a wonderful opportunity to stop all the busy-ness of our lives and take time to wonder – at the glory of creation, at the miracle of life – mine and others, at the fact that I can love and be loved! We have been created by a loving, gentle, mighty God! May he be honored in our hearts and in our homes!
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