Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Mother of Jesus our Divine Hope!

While it is not on the Church’s regular calendar, tomorrow (July 9) is the Feast Day of Mary, Mother of Divine Hope. Our Sisters celebrate this feast in a special way because our Blessed Mother, under this title is the patroness of our community, the Sisters of Jesus Our Hope!

Throughout its liturgy the Church often refers to our Blessed Mother and her role as a beacon of hope for all of her children. On September 8, for example, when the Church celebrates her birth, the prayer after communion reminds us that she “brought the dawn of hope and salvation to the world.”

In the Mass for this feast Mary is venerated...

- because in her life on earth she constantly practiced the virtue of hope; she placed all her trust in the Lord, in hope she waited for, and in faith conceived, the Son of man whom the prophets foretold. (from the Preface of the Mass).

- because in her Assumption into heaven she became the hope of God’s people; for she comes to the aid of all who have no hope and looks with love on all who seek her help, giving them strength and comfort (from the Entrance Antiphon and the opening prayer of the Mass).

The Second Vatican Council, at the end of its Dogmatic Constitution on the Church “Lumen Gentium” says of the Blessed Virgin that she “shines upon our world, until the day of the Lord shall come as a sign of sure hope and comfort for your people on their pilgrim way”.

Join with the Sisters today in celebrating her feast!

O Mary, Mother of Divine Hope, pray for us!

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