Saturday, March 27, 2010

What wondrous Love

There is an old song that says it’s “love that makes the world go ‘round”. That song once conjured up in my own mind thoughts of romantic love - two young people falling in love. Aaaahh yes!

But tomorrow, Palm Sunday, we enter into a holy week in which we contemplate Love, not the romantic kind but, to quote another jingle, it’s the kind of love “that’s the real thing.” We are about to enter into a dialogue of love - with the One who IS Love, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

Holy Week is the week we have been waiting for all during Lent. We are coming to the mountaintop on which He who is Love shows us in staggering, dramatic, gripping ways what it means to Love. It means to give – to give one’s very life for those you love.

On the Cross Jesus willingly poured out His life – to the very last drop of blood and water to prove to us how much He loves us. Are we like the Pharisees who walk by that Cross and taunt Him with our unbelief? Or are we like Mary, and John and Mary Magdalene who stand there looking at Him with all the love that our human hearts can contain?

Before He died Jesus spoke to His mother, to His disciple. From that Cross this week He will speak to us as well. He calls us to a dialogue of love. What will we say to Him as He looks at us – through his blood-soaked eyes, pleading for our love?

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