Monday, March 5, 2012

Words of love in my pocket!

Each morning our Sisters pray in common Morning Prayer from the Liturgy of the Hours. Then, individually, we meditate on Sacred Scripture according to the tradition of Lectio Divina (Sacred Reading). Some of our Sisters record their meditations in a journal. One of our Sisters writes her thoughts on a 3x5 card, folds it in half, sticks it in her pocket and looks at it throughout the day. I have done that off and on myself and I find it very helpful - to reflect throughout the day on what the Lord has been saying to my heart.

Yesterday I did record these thoughts from my spiritual reading and meditation:

  • He is beside me (Jesus).
  • If I want there never needs to be any time of separation between us
  • Have I allowed an hour to pass without talking to my Heavenly Father?
  • The thought of the glory that awaits me should spur me on in my daily struggles.
  • "Lord, grant me the grace to experience your Presence today."
  • Speak to Him as your most beloved friend.
  • Tell him about your feelings with freedom and confidence.
  • Jesus hastens toward me when I seek his love.
  • He presents himself to me, granting me the graces and remedies I need.

Perhaps these thoughts will be helpful to you today. Or maybe you would like to get yourself some 3x5 cards and record the things our Lord is saying to you today. Of course, you need a pocket!

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